Thursday, October 30, 2008

What do you need to do to get a drive's license ?

Drive's license is very important with everyone in the United States. Drive's license is your I.D number, it's almost show up your personal information like; your full name, birthday, sex, how tall, how weight, and your curent address. Also, drive's license let you drive the car. In the United States almost people drive the car to go to work, to school, and travel. So, drive's license is essential for your life everyday.
Have you gotten drive's license in the United States yet? If you haven't gotten yet, do you know what do you need to do to get a drive's license?
There is some steps you need to process to get your drive's license; If you are under 18 years old, you'll need your parents co-sign.
If you are enought 18 years old and over, you'll need to go to MVA ( Motorcycle Vehicle Administration ). You ask some information about your application. MVA's employee will tell you things you need to prepare.
Then, you need to go to drive's school. You will take 30 hours in classroom and 30 hours drive in the routes.
After you finished 60 hours in drive's school, you'll take a test in computer at MVA. After you pasted in computer, you'll take a test drive skills.
And you don't need wait so long after pasted a test drive skills. MVA's employee, just only 15 minutes take your picture and give you drive's license.
I hop you get your drive's license soon. Good luck!

What do you need to do to get a drive's license ?

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Senate Barack Obama - campaign 2008

Campain 2008 between senate Barack Obama ( Democrat ) from Illinois state, and senate John McCain ( Republican ) from Arizona state. Barack Obama was born Aug 4 , 1961. He is first black senate candidate president election. His white mother grew up in Kansas state, his black father in a Village in Kenya country. They met and married in Hawaii state. Obama's childhood was unlucky, his father left when he was 2 years old. Next, his mother married with a student came from Indonesia country, and his mother lived in Indonesia. Barack Obama lived in Indonesia few years, and he came back in Hawaii lived with his grandsmother.
Barack Obama attended Occidental college 1979-1981, and bachelor's degree in political science from Clumbia University 1983. He's had law degree from Harward University 1991. He was a Illinois state senator 1997-2004, and he's elected first term United States in 2004 with 70% of the voted.
Barack Obama has won in campaign candidate with senate Hillary Clinton Aug, 2008. Democratic elected him candidate president 2008 with candidate of republican. He always perform good roles of president candidate. Now, he has big supports of American and people in the world. Latest poll from Oct 25, 2008 show up Barack Obama 51% - John McCain 43% and unsure 6%. Election day is Nov 4, 2008, only one week, and Barack Obama maybe become president of the United States.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Friendship very important in our life, friendship connect people friendly with the hearts. It's natural like doing things together and enjoy being together. People can share honest, values and idears. Everyday, we have a lot relationships between us. According everyone, relationships are going good or bad. Relationships will be good if everyone come by trust, confidence and respect. It's real friendship.
Do we need to make friendship? Yes, we do.
Is it easy? No, it isn't.
Friendship appear when people understand themself in relationship. It need much time to understand, it is a long term association between people.
Could I make frienship with you? How can I make that? and can we get a long? I think we don't have much time to understand each other, but I trust we can make friendship by respect, honestly, and we'll happy about that. Happy is essential to make friends get a long in friendship.


Saturday, October 11, 2008

The United Nations - (Activity 15 - p.88)

After World War Second in 1945, representatives of 50 countries met in San Francisco conference on international organization to draw up the United Nations ( U.N ). The organization officially came in to existence on 24 October 1945 by China, France, the Soviet Union ( today is Rusia ), the United Kingdom, the United States and a majority of other signatories. Today the U.N develop up to 192 member countries in the world.
The purpose of the U.N are maintaining international peace and security, developing friendly relation among nations, solving international economic, social, cultural and humanitarian problems, and promoting respect for human rights.
Dring 63 years, the U.N was doing good to solve a lot problems in the world. The U.N achieved and affected develop relation member countries, promote health community, human rights, against terrorism ...
However, the U.N was uselessing in some problems like the war in some countries. In fact, the U.N doesn't enough power to solve importance problems when essential. Although, the world still need role of the U.N, and this organization continue to exist. The U.N will usefull if change structure of organization. The U.N need to open more rights for member countries world wide, and all countries must be to maintain international peace.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My favorite place.

Like everyone, I have a lot of favorite places in my life. The best one is place when I was a kid. It's a big the river in Vietnam my country. The river normal like every river in Vietnam, but this river I had a lot of remembrance .
This river thru over city of place where I lived. In summer time the river looks wonderful. People in town from two side of the river came very crowd. People came here made themself relax, me too. I felt so relax when I walked a long side of the river. Sometime, I with my friends had small party on the river. We drunk and someone sang, someone read poetry. Everybody had fun!

In evening time, the sky'stars and the moon on the river so beautiful.