Thursday, October 30, 2008

What do you need to do to get a drive's license ?

Drive's license is very important with everyone in the United States. Drive's license is your I.D number, it's almost show up your personal information like; your full name, birthday, sex, how tall, how weight, and your curent address. Also, drive's license let you drive the car. In the United States almost people drive the car to go to work, to school, and travel. So, drive's license is essential for your life everyday.
Have you gotten drive's license in the United States yet? If you haven't gotten yet, do you know what do you need to do to get a drive's license?
There is some steps you need to process to get your drive's license; If you are under 18 years old, you'll need your parents co-sign.
If you are enought 18 years old and over, you'll need to go to MVA ( Motorcycle Vehicle Administration ). You ask some information about your application. MVA's employee will tell you things you need to prepare.
Then, you need to go to drive's school. You will take 30 hours in classroom and 30 hours drive in the routes.
After you finished 60 hours in drive's school, you'll take a test in computer at MVA. After you pasted in computer, you'll take a test drive skills.
And you don't need wait so long after pasted a test drive skills. MVA's employee, just only 15 minutes take your picture and give you drive's license.
I hop you get your drive's license soon. Good luck!

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