Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Setember 12, 2008, chief justice of HO CHI MINH city, Vietnam was judged throughout the life murder Pham Van Binh. The victim is murderer's father.
Murderer Pham Van Binh and his mother declaled victim often reviled,and hit wife, sons an daughter. Binh and his sibling never had any day happy from childhood. His father spent almost money earned for wine and had a debauch. His father was drunkenness. His father never took care family.
Binh and his sibling very sad and hopelessly. He and his young brother were had drug, and their blood had HIV. The mother was feeling of agony about her sons and her family, the mother tried to save them. She worked hard and tired, she needed helps from her husband. But her husband didn't help, also he was reviled her very much.
November 19, 2008, Binh hold a scissors in his hand. He cut silk for his young sister made hats. At that time, the mother openned medicine treat HIV for Binh and his young brother, but the medicine was empty. The mother hurried took motorcycle, she wanted went to medicine HIV center. The father saw the mother and reviled her. The mother upseted and louded with the father. The father stood up and run after the mother and hit her. Binh run after his father, he kept his father away from his mother. The father was hit both . While everyone hustled each other, Binh already had a scissors in his hand and he stuck alot of scissors in his father's body. The father fall down. Someone helped the father went to hospital, but the father died.
Judge was closed, but the mother's feeling of agony and murder of the son killed father never close. Everybody was feeling pity for Binh's tragic of family.

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